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Do intensive courses work?

In a word -yes! But i will back that statement up with "not for everyone!" If you want to learn to drive a lorry or a bus, chances are you will do so by taking an intensive driving course. Of course if you are learning to drive a vehicle of a different category, you will already have a car licence and some experience.

But can an intensive driving course work for learner drivers who want to pass their driving test. Well, it all depends on the person. You need to be reasonably good at learning practical skills, have good judgement, a mature attitude and be willing to work hard during your course.

No Intensive Driving Course is a guaranteed pass. However, with the right training a brand new driver can learn to drive and gain good experience on a 36 hour course. But remember your Intensive Driving Course is about learning to drive and not just passing a test, as necessary as it may be.

During an Intensive Driving Course you will have the opportunity to experience different roads and towns, not just the test center location. If all is going well you will probably be able to experience some Motorway driving too - not always available on weekly lessons.

So if you want to learn to drive quickly and gain valuable experience an Intensive Driving Course could be for you!

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